Ænigmatic Addendum #2

Mr Grant Fikes revisits Ænigma #10

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Greetings, gentle solver!
This page is devoted to resources associated with the second in our series of Ænigmatic Addenda. For a copy of the Addendum paper itself, click on the image below:

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We have a winner!

My associate Mr Curtis and I have performed our monthly random drawing from among all those who sent us the correct final answer to this Addendum, and the lucky winner is ...

Mr Brian Kramp of Kirkland, Washington!
For his prize, Mr Kramp has received free copies of Mr Fikes's two lovely e-books of puzzles, Logic Puzzles 101 and Fill o' Fillomino!

Ada has published a book!

Yes, that's right: Ada has created a book collecting the first twenty-four of her ænigmas, along with author commentaries, full solutions, explanations of all of the Easter eggs, and a host of other fun features!

If you would like some advice or assistance in solving this Addendum,
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I pray you will not hesitate to contact my associate, Pavel Curtis (at pavel@pavelspuzzles.com) for immediate relief. If there is sufficient collective need, I am more than open to making available a page of pedagogical aids.
With sincere hopes that this Addendum will provide you with delight and edification,