Adalogical Ænigma #86

Greetings, gentle solver!
This page is devoted to resources associated with the eighty-sixth in my series of Adalogical Ænigmas. For a copy of the ænigma paper itself, click on the image below:

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You could win a free physical puzzle!

If you solve this month's ænigma, I pray you will send us your final answer (addressed to You will thereby be automatically entered into a random drawing for a free copy of the puzzle X Games, cleverly designed and manufactured by Mr Curtis!

Your entry must be received by late on the last day of the month to be entered into the drawing. If your entry is chosen, Mr Curtis will request your postal address so that he may have the prize delivered to you (free of charge, naturally).

You can also claim a 10% discount!

Every month, you may use the answer to my ænigma to claim a 10% discount on any of the fine wares offered by Pavel's Puzzles. When making your purchase, simply enter that answer into the field labeled “Instructions to the merchant” and my associate Mr Curtis will promptly issue your discount in the form of a refund.

Logical Leaps and Landings: an Adalogical Ænigmas Collection

Ada has published a book!

Yes, that's right: Ada has created a book collecting the first twenty-four of her ænigmas, along with author commentaries, full solutions, explanations of all of the Easter eggs, and a host of other fun features!

Check out my storefront to purchase this puzzle!
If you would like some advice or assistance in solving my ænigma,
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I pray you will not hesitate to contact my associate, Pavel Curtis (at for immediate relief. If there is sufficient collective need, I am more than open to making available a page of pedagogical aids.
With sincere hopes that my ænigma will provide you with delight and edification,